Inspirational Case Study - Seven Hills

Struggling for inspiration? Take a look at the work of Seven Hills School in 2022/23!

Team 2FA from Seven Hills School decided to raise funds to help the school in their aim of becoming a Makaton signing school. To do this they planned and took part in a sing and sign sponsored walk around Norfolk Park.

As Seven Hills is a special needs school, the students recognised the importance of communicating, and wanted to help their local community understand more about the students at Seven Hills.

As well as setting up an information stand in Norfolk Park on the day of the sponsored sing and sign, the team made posters and flyers to display in the local community. As the students walked around the park, they helped local people join in and learn the Makaton signs to the songs.

The students enjoyed learning Makaton, and taking part in the sing and sign. They also enjoyed the opportunity to engage with their local community and spending time outdoors.

Makaton image saying "we have our school community and local community. We feeling it is important for people in our local community to understand more about students at Seven Hills school, and learn about the importance of Makaton sign language
Seven Hills taking part in a sing and sign sponsored walk around Norfolk Park
“We have learned how to work together as a team. We have learned how to sign correctly. We have also learned that not all people in the community are polite, however many were generous and friendly.”
- Team 2FA